Volunteer Opportunities
Research shows that children whose parents volunteer and are positively involved in their children’s education do much better in school. We encourage you to volunteer at Luther!
Where could you help?
Where could you help?
- In the classroom – ask your child’s teacher.
- In the school office – ask the secretarial staff.
- Join the Parents’ Club or the School Site Council
Types of volunteer tasks:
Types of volunteer tasks:
- Working directly with children
- Putting out newsletters
- Cleaning
- Working at events
- Serving on committees
- Supervising or helping with school events, field trips
- Tutoring students in reading or math
- Correcting papers
- Putting up bulletin boards
- Planning special events
When volunteering on campus, please remember to check-in at the school office before going into classrooms or the cafeteria. Visitors will be asked to sign-in and to wear a visitor badge while they are on campus. This helps staff and students to easily identify individuals who are allowed to be on campus.