Student Success Tips
Student Attendance
Student Attendance
Students learn best when they are at school. Good attendance and punctuality are important habits that start developing in kindergarten. Please help your child understand the importance of school by minimizing the amount of time they are absent. Please help them in every way possible so they can be at school, on time, every day.
Homework Expectations
Homework Expectations
Homework bridges school and home. It is an important part of teaching students responsibility and accountability. To help students improve their study habits, consider these homework suggestions:
- Have a definite time and place for homework.
- Choose a place that is quiet and has good light.
- Gather materials needed for homework before beginning.
- Read directions carefully.
- Focus on quality work.
- Have parents or older siblings check work after it is completed.
- Check-in with your child periodically.
Supporting Your Child
Supporting Your Child
- Support the rules, regulations, and standards of the school.
- Be sure the student is neat, clean, and has proper rest and nutrition.
- Insure that the student attends school regularly and punctually.
- Cooperate with school authority and respond to school requests regarding their child.
- Attend parent conferences and other important meetings regarding their child.
- Contact the school when you have a concern.
- Read and be aware of the information in the Parent/Student Handbook.
Addressing a Concern
Addressing a Concern
If you should have a concern regarding your child’s performance, or a specific event which occurred at school:
- Make an appointment with the teacher, as he/she has the most direct contact with your child and is probably the person most aware of the situation that concerns you.
- If it is not resolved with the teacher, make an appointment to talk to the vice-principal or principal.
- If you have a question or concern related to school or district policies, please call the office. Your call will be returned as soon as possible, generally within 24 hours.
Parent Volunteers
Parent Volunteers
Research shows that children whose parents volunteer and are positively involved in their children’s education do much better in school.
Where could you help?
- In the classroom – ask your child’s teacher.
- In the school office – ask the secretarial staff.
- Join the Parents’ Club or the School Site Council
Types of volunteer tasks:
- Working directly with children
- Putting out newsletters
- Cleaning
- Working at events
- Serving on committees
- Supervising or helping with school events, field trips
- Tutoring students in reading or math
- Correcting papers
- Putting up bulletin boards
- Planning special events
We look forward to working with your to support your child!