Common Core Standards
We are committed to sharing the most current and effective information that will help you navigate through these changing times. One of the biggest new initiatives is the fact that California educators have joined a national movement to adopt common standards and assessments for English Language Arts and Mathematics. The standards are designed to reflect the knowledge and skills our students need for success in college and careers. These learning goals help ensure that students meet college and work expectations, are prepared to succeed in a global economy and society, and are provided with rigorous content and application of higher knowledge thinking.
Common standards will also allow for collaboration among states on best practices and professional development. A common set of learning goals help teachers and parents ensure students are challenged and making appropriate progress.
It is vital that parents understand what the standards contain and what they ask of our students. A great way for parents to reference the Common Core Standards is by clicking here: Parent Handbook. This handbook gives parents an introduction to California's Common Core Standards and a summary of what students are expected to learn as they advance from kindergarten through fourth grade.
Use the links below to access additional information about the Common Core Standards: