Grades 3 - 5
Luther Elementary Computer Literacy: Targeted Goals
Luther Elementary Computer Literacy: Targeted Goals
Grade 3: By the end of the year, most students will be able to:
- Type at 15+ words per minute (4-5 minutes to type pre-written paragraph)
- Utilize Google Drive for class assignments
- Demonstrate knowledge of advanced word processing (formatting, alignment, troubleshooting)
- Transfer found web information to Office/Drive processing
- Create class presentation using Powerpoint/Slides
Grade 4: By the end of the year, most students will be able to:
- Type at 20-30 words per minute (2-4 minutes to type pre-written paragraph)
- Demonstrate proficiency in Google Drive
- Demonstrate comfort and proficiency in word processing/slides
- Demonstrate comfort and proficiency in web navigation
- Be able to troubleshoot and assist with common computer challenged (login, web navigation, and typing errors)
Each 3rd and 4th class visits the computer lab every other week. Our Computer Literacy class is staffed with a credentialed teacher. All 3rd and 4th grade classes also have access mobile Chromebook labs at least 2 times per week. All of our upper grade teachers are trained in Chromebook use and incorporate computer based instruction into their classrooms on a regular basis.